You searched for habit - Healthy RV Living Helping Others Life this Mobile Lifestyle to the Fullest Sun, 23 Jun 2024 20:52:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 You searched for habit - Healthy RV Living 32 32 205563041 What is Private Coaching? Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:13:48 +0000 Private coaching is the core service of Irene Iron Fitness. I have coached hundreds of clients all across the country with my proven approach. This approach is a little different than traditional trainers, and my clients love it. I offer two types of coaching: private coaching, and group challenge coaching. In this blog, we are going to take a deeper look specifically at the private coaching option with the commonly asked questions.

The post What is Private Coaching? appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

Private coaching is the core service of Irene Iron Fitness and has the power to change your life. The online format is customized specifically for you, providing accountability, flexibility, progressive habit-building, and expert guidance for a healthy lifestyle. You get all of this for a fraction of the price of in-person coaching. I have worked with hundreds of clients across the country with my proven approach. My coaching is a little different than traditional trainers, and my clients love it because it is pragmatic and sustainable. I offer two types of coaching: private coaching, and group challenge coaching. In this blog, we will take a deeper look specifically at the private coaching option.

What private coaching services are offered?

The coaching is broken up into three category options: combo coaching, fitness only, and nutrition only. The combo coaching yields the best results since it incorporates both the fitness and the nutrition aspects of a program. But, everyone’s goals are different, so that is why I also offer fitness on its own and nutrition on its own. When you are selecting a program to sign up for, picking your category is the first step.

The second step is to choose your commitment duration. All services are offered in either a three-, six-, or twelve-month package. The day that you sign up for your package you are charged for the first month of service. Then, the credit card that you sign up with will be automatically charged the monthly rate every 30 days. Choosing your monthly commitment is the second step of selecting your package.

If you are not sure about which time commitment to choose, you can always reach out and email me to share what your goals are and ask for my input on duration. A great way to test out the private coaching is to take advantage of our new client special. This is one month of the combo coaching, at an introductory rate of only $99. It allows you to see if you like me, my approach, my app, and the program in general. It will also give you a better idea of how much time you may need in the long run.

Upon signing up for any of these packages, you will go through an onboarding process. The first step to building your customized program is filling out a detailed assessment form. This form will help me understand your unique situation, goals, challenges, and conditions to work with. The more detail you include in this the better I can build your customized program.

How does it work?

All of the coaching is online, using the internet. You can access the coaching platform either using an app on your cell phone or through the browser on your laptop. Some features can only be done from the laptop such as saving PDFs, printing PDFs, and dragging and dropping scheduled items on your schedule. Reading coaching articles and typing answers to onboarding assessments is much easier on a laptop, but doable on a phone if needed. Other tasks are easier to do using the app, such as uploading photos of your food or check-ins.

All of the scheduled tasks will show up on your app, and you will want to be in the habit of checking what’s on your schedule each week and each day. You can reschedule any item as needed and complete the tasks on your own time. The only event that is scheduled for a hard time that cannot be rescheduled is the coaching call if it is included in your package. The coaching calls are currently only offered for combo-coaching clients. All private clients get unlimited support through in-app texting and emails. I encourage you to use me and abuse me with the texting! The more engaged you are with asking, updating, and sharing, the better results you are likely to have.

A strong internet connection is required to use the app. If you may ever be without service for some time, I recommend taking screenshots of your workouts so that you can still complete them in the event service goes down. Once you have service again, you can complete and check off any tasks that you did prior.

What are the workouts like?

The fitness program prioritizes strength training. I am a muscle-centric coach and use strength training to help prevent the disabilities of aging, as well as promote overall health from the inside out. The programs are designed based on your individual fitness level, schedule, workout location, limitations, and equipment. The preferred equipment to have is either a wide variety of dumbbell increments or a full kit of loop-style resistance bands.

The number of days and the length of each day depends on your goals, current fitness level, and availability in your schedule. People who have never strength trained before may start with one or two days a week, with short routines. Advanced clients may train 4-5 days a week with longer routines. The programs will progress and evolve with time.

Each program runs for 8 weeks. Running a program for the full 8 weeks allows you to master the routines, and incorporate progressive overload throughout the program, which is critical for results.

If you have any injuries or restrictions, I work around these too so that you are in alignment with your doctor’s orders. I am not qualified to diagnose, treat, or provide therapy for injuries but I do work with your doctor’s orders to keep you moving in as many ways as safely possible.

While you are doing the strength training routines, you will have access to demonstration videos so you can see exactly how to perform each exercise. Clients love this feature as it saves time and frustration when you’re not familiar with moves. Some clients like to let the video run as they “work out with me” in the video. In the app, you will track your weight and reps so that you can progress with time. There is even a feature to record your technique and send it to me to review your form.

In addition to strength training, there will also be cardio goals and strength goals. They may be included right away for some, or added in later for others while we work our way up. Programs may also include light balance exercises, dynamic warmups, and generic cooldown stretches.

What is the nutrition plan like?

The nutrition program is a progressive curriculum that is based on habit tracking and development. The full curriculum runs for twelve months, and the habits change every two weeks. When a habit is introduced you will receive several coaching articles, guides, and infographics so that you can learn and understand why the habit is being practiced. Then you will have a daily habit tracker to check off if you are being mindful of this habit. While you will only track the current active habit, you will continue to practice all previously learned habits, layering good habits on top of one another.

The habits are scheduled out in a very specific and strategic way. The first few habits focus on how you eat. At week six we shift focus to what you eat. These beginning pillar habits of how you eat are necessary to master before we get to the what. You could be eating the “best” foods on the planet, but if you’re not in tune with your hunger and fullness cues, you will not reach your goals. When we do get to the what, we focus on adding in nutrient-dense foods. You’ll learn about protein, veggies, carbs, fats, balanced meals, etc. I believe in the benefits of animal protein and the amino acids it provides for healthy muscles, and I do encourage focusing on eating optimal protein. However, I also fully support and work with vegan/vegetarian/whole food plant-based eaters to help them advance their preferred way of eating.

This program is all about progress, not perfection. It focuses on abundance rather than deprivation and breaks the all-or-nothing mindset. It is not a crash diet, there is no meal plan, and there are no lists of food off limits. This is a program that will help you improve your relationship with food and learn a sustainable way of eating. Hello, freedom from diet culture!!!

Do I need to track calories?

There is a food journaling option that includes a photo and a description of each meal. This adds a huge layer of accountability to yourself. The food journaling may take place for only a short period, or it could be long-term. Every person responds differently to it and you can choose to log food descriptions for as long as it serves you. This is not calorie counting. It is simply photos + descriptions.

While I am fully trained, knowledgeable, and experienced with tracking macros, I choose not to default to this method with my clients. It can be a highly effective tool and there is a right time and right place for it, but most people can’t stick to it long-term. It can be time-consuming, alienating, tedious, and cause negative food thoughts. It can also fuel the restrict and binge cycle and the “on” vs “off” mindset that I am desperately trying to break you free from.

Many traditional trainers and coaches stick strictly to meal plans and macro tracking. Because, scientifically, it works. And if it’s not working?? Well, they just lower the calories you can eat. Unfortunately, this isn’t how humans work. We’re busy and we have a family and social life. We need flexibility and a plan that will work forever, not only while we’re tracking every gram that we put in our mouths. So much of life is based on eating and drinking together. We need a long-term approach that works. My approach is just that, and my clients love it.

Who is private coaching for?

The fitness program is for people who want to get strong and fit. People who want to prevent the disabilities of aging and grow old gracefully. People who want to stay out of nursing homes and take care of themselves. Be able to play with their great-grandkids.

If you want a customized workout that considers all of your parameters to work with, this is for you. All fitness levels are encouraged to join. This program is extremely helpful for beginners who have never done any sort of resistance training, or maybe it’s been a decade (or two, but who’s counting!). Be warned…most clients sign up wanting to get “toned” or “lose weight”, then along their journey they just want to continue to get stronger. My motto is “stronger, not smaller”.

The nutrition program is for those who want to learn about food and understand how food affects their body. It is for people who are sick and tired of dieting. Yo-yo diets, crash diets, fad diets, diet culture, it’s all out the door. If you’ve tried all of these things and continue to be frustrated with your weight, this is for you. It’s time to try something different. Together we will focus on eating more protein, more fibrous vegetables, the right amount of the right carbs, and the right amount of healthy fats.

The combo coaching is for those of you who want all of this! You want to be fit, have more energy, sleep better, feel better, eat better, have a good relationship with food, and trust yourself around food. If you want all of the knowledge mapped out and full accountability, this one’s for you.

Who is it NOT for?

If you need a standing appointment with an in-person trainer to show up and put in the work, this program isn’t for you. While the online format provides excellent accountability at an unbelievable price, you still need to show up and put in the effort, consistently. If you are looking for a cardio-based routine, or a program that changes every single week, this is not for you.

This is not a “quick fix” diet to lose 10 pounds before your vacation next month. You won’t be provided with a meal plan that will make you skinny fast. I get people strong and feeling good from the inside out, without focusing on “getting skinny”. Don’t get me wrong, we will be changing your body composition. You will put on muscle and burn fat, getting that “toned” look that you want. But it comes with the right approach, and in a safer mindset, with time. This is a way of eating and exercising that you will enjoy and will do for the rest of your life, and it’s worth giving up the crash diets for, I promise.

What are Chris’s credentials?

I am a legit Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I have also completed several ongoing fitness specializations including fitness for seniors, and balance training. For nutrition, I have completed not only level one but also level two master certification of Precision Nutrition Certification. This high-level certification is an approved education program by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)—the most prestigious organization for vetting and recognizing professional health coaches.

There are a lot of online coaches out there who don’t have any education or certifications. Watch out for Multi-level Marketing participants who are more interested in pushing products than your actual health.

What are the costs of private coaching?

The cost per month varies depending on if you do combo, fitness only, or nutrition only. From there, there is also a price discount depending on the number of months you commit to. The 12-month programs are the lowest price point per month, then the six months, then the three months. You can review all of the different options on my packages page.

Once you are a private client you are locked into your current rate for as long as your subscription stays active. If my rates ever do increase with time, you are locked into the rate. Another perk, is private clients get free enrollment to participate in my group challenges that happen a few times per year. The group challenges are optional, but many private clients enjoy the energy of the group challenges now and then. It is especially nice for fitness-only clients to get a refresher on the nutrition curriculum.

How do I sign up?

If you’re ready to commit to your health now, you can sign up for private coaching immediately. The day that you sign up is the day your package starts. It can be any day of the month, at any time.

Upon signing up, you will get a couple of emails from me with information on how to download the app and log in. Once you are in the app there are two legal forms to fill out. There is also a personal assessment to fill out. The assessment is a longer questionnaire and helps me learn a lot about who you are, what your life is like, and what you want to get out of this. It’s important to fill out these forms right away so that we can maximize our time together.

If you have any specific questions that aren’t answered in this article, please send me an email at My heart beats for helping others, and I have found my purpose to help you live longer, move better, feel better, and love yourself.

-Coach Chris

The post What is Private Coaching? appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

10-Week Group Challenge: September 2024 Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:51:37 +0000 The next group challenge is scheduled to start April,22 2024! In January, we hosted our first 10-week program instead of the usual 8-week program, and the response was incredible. About half of all participants voted on which duration they preferred. The 10-week format won by a landslide, coming in with 85% of the votes.

The post 10-Week Group Challenge: September 2024 appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

The next group challenge is scheduled to start on September 2, 2024, and will run until November 10, 2024. The September program includes a curated mix of strength training, cardio, step goals, weekly nutrition habits, three live events (9/8, 10/6, & 11/3), and more. The optional private Facebook group adds a motivating and positive group environment. All this comes at an affordable rate, with less intimidation than private coaching.

As always, one winner will be selected from this group challenge and will receive one free private 3-month combo coaching package to immediately follow the challenge ($600 value). The winner will be selected based on program adherence, group engagement, physical transformation, and overall attitude. 

This blog will go into detail regarding everything you need to know about the 10-week group challenge. Read on to determine if it is a good commitment for you.

What is the 10-Week Group Challenge?

This 10-week Challenge is a fantastic opportunity to commit to your health by practicing powerful habits. The program includes two strength training programs (using either loop bands or dumbbells), cardio goals, step goals, food journal and/or meal adherence chart, weekly healthy habit goals, coaching articles and infographics, weekly weigh-ins, and before/middle/after photos.

The information that is coached is specially curated directly from our private coaching curriculum and materials. However, this group program delivers the information at a quicker rate, with a more relaxed approach, and at a more affordable cost.

The group aspect comes into play with our private Facebook group. While the Facebook group is optional, we highly recommend joining in there. You will get to know many other challenge members and share personal obstacles, victories, experiences, and encouragement. The positivity and camaraderie are overwhelming. While we all walk different paths in life, we share many of the same desires, goals, and obstacles. You may even walk away from this challenge with some new friends.

How is the Irene Iron Fitness Group Challenge Different from Other “Challenges”?

This challenge is not a competition to see who can drop the most weight in the shortest amount of time. It does not come with a rigid meal plan or lists of “good/bad” or “yes/no” foods. And you most certainly will never be asked to purchase any packaged food with promises to transform your health. Coach Chris is not a drill sergeant, she is a compassionate, real person trying to help others live their best life.

As we go through our 10 weeks together, we will practice “Progress, not Perfection”. You will hear it again and again. Our goal is to create consistency with our schedule, get stronger, feel better, eat real food, and create balance in life. We’re all busy and pulled in a million directions. There will be good days and there will be bad days. Make each day the best you can with what you have to work with. Celebrate your achievements and your wins, rather than picking on the negatives.

How Does the 10-Week Group Challenge Work?

The challenge is 100% online using our coaching app (compatible with both iOS and Android). Upon signing up, you will get a confirmation email confirming that your spot is reserved. One to two weeks before the challenge starts, you will get an onboarding email from us with credentials to log into your app. There are a few quick forms to fill out before August 29th, to ensure you are ready to start on September 2nd. There will be reading assignments kicking out on 8/31 as well.

You have the option to use the app on your mobile device/tablet, or the web browser on your computer/laptop. Both versions work great, but some people have a personal preference for one or the other. So play around with both, and find what you like best! 

Either way, you do need a STRONG internet connection or cell signal to use the app/website. The app will not work well in low-service areas. It’s okay if you will be in and out of service though. You can easily take screenshots of workouts, or even print them off from the browser version so that you are prepared in no service areas (hello national parks!). Throughout the challenge, you can always go back and enter/edit information for past dates so that you can catch up after being away from service for any reason. One great feature of the app is the ability to watch videos of the exercises. This is especially helpful if you are new to weight training and unfamiliar with movements. You can watch the videos right from your app, to see a visual demonstration. Click on the video below for a brief introduction to the coaching app.

Who is it for?

This challenge is for anybody who is looking to incorporate a healthier lifestyle with some guidance. It is appropriate for men and women of any adult age. Historically, participants’ ages range from 25-80, with most falling in the 45-65 age zone. All are welcome here, all fitness levels, body sizes, genders, colors, cultures, and types of people. 

While we do specialize in the nomadic lifestyle, most of the practices directly overlap with people living in traditional households/apartments. The online format allows tremendous flexibility to move workouts around as needed, based on your individual schedule.

What do you need to participate?

You will need your mobile device or laptop with a strong internet connection to use the coaching app. Besides that, you just need the basics: 

  • ONE FORM of strength training equipment: Dumbbells OR loop Bands
  • Step tracker: Most smartphones have a free step tracker. No need for a fancy watch or gadget.
  • Basic walking/cardio gear: Shoes, appropriate clothing, the occasional umbrella or snow boots for walking in undesirable weather 😉
  • Cooking at home is encouraged, but no special equipment is required
  • Weekly check-in materials: Scale, flexible measuring tape, phone camera to upload photos (these optional, but mandatory only if you are competing to win the grand prize)

What are the workouts like?

Strength Training

Our primary workout program is strength training.  Strength training offers incredible health benefits and is highly underutilized by the general population. The strength training routines will be using the equipment that you select of the two options: dumbbells or loop bands. Strength training will be scheduled three days per week, and will take about 35-45 minutes per session.

All strength training movements will be low impact. The movements will be using a small foot space to help promote exercising inside an RV or a small indoor space. There will be no jumping or other high-intensity movements. You will not need anchor points for the loop bands, or a bench for the dumbbells. The videos below show an example exercise of the two equipment options.

Loop bands exercise example

Dumbbell exercise example


Cardio will be scheduled two times per week, and have a target time of 20 minutes. If you already go above and beyond 2 days at 20 minutes, definitely continue to maintain what you already do. If not, 20 minutes is a great place to start. Cardio can be whatever form you prefer: biking, jogging, hiking, rowing, dancing, BootCamp class, spinning, and even walking. The goal here is to get out, move your body, pump that heart, and torch some calories.

Daily Steps

The final part of our fitness program is daily step tracking. You will track steps daily. There are step goals to target for the first half and the second half of the program. The amount of time dedicated to getting your steps will vary greatly based on your occupation and lifestyle. 

What is the diet like?

We promote whole foods like protein, vegetables, fruits, smart carbs, and healthy fats. While we personally believe in the benefits of animal protein, we always support and welcome our strictly WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) friends. We have many private clients, previous challenge members, and even challenge winners who are WFPB. We respect everyone’s decision to eat how they want to eat.

This nutrition curriculum should weave into any special diet that you may be following. Of course, if you have health conditions with doctor’s orders on how to eat, listen to your doctor. But, generally speaking, you can incorporate our weekly habits even if you have any intolerances, allergies, or special diets.

Rather than providing a rigid meal plan or ridiculous food rules, we strive to educate you on nutrition and help you learn sustainable nutrition skills. Every new food habit will come with coaching articles, guides, and infographics. We are proud to say the entire program will deliver over 18 articles, 7 guides, and 17 infographics!

Easy RV Meal Prep
Practice prioritizing quality protein and colorful vegetables

Example of the Weekly Curriculum (Subject to change):

#1: Onboarding, mastering workouts, learning the app, drinking water
#2: Establishing meal times and meal planning
#3: Eating slowly and mindfully
#4: Quality protein
#5: Mindset
#6: Colorful plants
#7: Smart carbs
#8: Healthy fats
#9: Putting it all together
#10: Celebrating non-scale victories

How is the group challenge different from private coaching?

Over the years we have coached hundreds of clients across the country. Chris is a legit fitness & nutrition coach with several certifications: 

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM Certified Senior Fitness Specialist
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
  • Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Coach

Chris uses the same principles and methods in this group challenge that she uses with her private one-on-one clients. 

Here are the biggest differences between private coaching versus group coaching programs:

  • Group coaching does not include customized workouts, substitutions, exercise form feedback
  • Group coaching does not include customized nutrition help, feedback, guidance, or individual macros
  • Group coaching does not include text messaging or voice calls
  • Group coaching does not include individual messages or accountability

How much does it cost?

There is a one-time fee to enroll in this 10-Week Challenge of $89. Upon signing up you are reserving your space in the challenge. No refunds, credits, price adjustments, or deferments will be issued for any reason.

When should you sign up?

Sign up today to reserve your space in the challenge and before 8/26/24 to take advantage of the early coaching app and Facebook group access. Enrollment will close on 9/2/24.

Can partners join in together?

You sure can join in with a partner! Add qty 2 to your cart, then, in the notes section, add in both participants’ first name, last name, and unique email for each person to use for the coaching app. This is a great gift to surprise your accountability buddy with!

Can current private clients join in?

Current private clients are encouraged to join in for free. As long as your private coaching subscription is active during the challenge dates you can join at no cost. Just let me know if you want in! 

Private combo clients will keep their current custom strength program and will have the option of whether they want to run the challenge habits with the group or continue to run their own habits where they are at.

Fitness-only clients will keep their current custom strength program and can join in on the nutrition habits. This is a great option to refresh on those nutrition topics that aren’t included in your private coaching package.

Nutrition-only clients have the option to stay on their current nutrition habits or change to run the habits with the group. You also have the option of getting the strength program assigned with your choice of equipment.

All private clients have the option of joining the Facebook group only if they want to keep your own private coaching exactly as is and simply join in on the group camaraderie.

How to win the group challenge grand prize?

One winner is selected from each group challenge based on program adherence, Facebook group engagement, physical transformation, and overall attitude. To be reviewed for the grand prize, you must complete your first check-in on or before the start date, complete your final check-in on the weekend of the end date, and complete your exit form telling me you are competing. Check-ins must include photos, however, the photos are completely confidential unless you give consent to share. Even if you win the photos will remain confidential unless you give consent to release them.

The winner will receive one free private 3-month combo coaching package to immediately follow the challenge ($600 value). The prize is not transferable or deferrable.

Do you have to submit body photos?

We know that body photos cause high anxiety, and can even be downright traumatic for some of us. Photos are not required to participate. They are encouraged though, and we think you will be glad to have them. But, you can refuse to take photos and still participate in the program.

Rest assured, photos, are 100% confidential, and will never be shared without your consent. 

Testimonials from previous 8-week Group Challenges:

I have to say Chris and Aaron are true inspirations in many ways, but engaging with Chris (Irene Iron Fitness) for specialized training has been great! The knowledge on food and resistance band training she shared with me and the group in an 8 week challenge has been the best I’ve ever received. She’s realistic in expectations and goals and helps you work through any issues. At 62, I never expected to enjoy working out as much as I have with her program. So worth it! Thanks so much!Tina Brasington

(Airstream Adventures of Morii Coddiwomple)

Theoretically, I placed fitness & health as the highest priority and yet in practice, it fell to the bottom of my list. Year after year as I put fitness off until ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next week’ I began missing out on experiences I dreamt of, knowing I wasn’t fit enough for activities I wanted to chase. I had to take it out of my own hands; make a real commitment. I desperately wanted to avoid spending my senior years pushing a walker around. Thanks to Chris’ expert guidance and attention to personal detail she set me on a trajectory to success, fully customized for my needs. She kept me accountable with kindness. I am whole new person, my clothes fit, I feel 20 years younger, able to take on challenging outdoor activities with confidence. New Lease on life!!

Thanks so much!


When I joined the 8 week challenge, I had no expectations but I was hopeful to get into a habit of exercise. After starting the workouts, I got a picture of my health by how I felt afterwards. Progress was slow. I also started learning about how to eat a balanced diet and started feeling better after every lesson. Workouts started to become easier and I was able to increase my weight in resistance training. My muscle tone started to have definition. I’m still on my way to a healthy body but I now have a good primer on how to eat and how to exercise that I can take with me. I’m now at a healthy state and plan to be steady on my path. If I do this challenge again, I will certainly have new goals. I’m definitely leaving this challenge as a changed person. Thank you Chris for the environment that you’ve created for me to develope healthy habits.


Wanted to give a shout out to Chris with Ireneirontravels. My wife and I started her 8 week challenge and went with the resistance band workout program. We had great success. I lost 13 pounds and my wife lost 10 pounds and many inches between us with the challenge. It was the best time/ money we have spent on our fitness health since going full time RV. Chris has a great program put together. We really enjoyed the challenge.


Until this challenge, I thought I was doing all the right things. Healthy eating but only was able to gain weight. I learned so much during this challenge about food, weight training, making choices while traveling, and so much more. It’s the first time ever that I’ve seen results, felt completely fulfilled, and excited to keep going. I loved that even though this was a group challenge Christine was with us ever step of the way by helping us learn, give guidance, and answer and comment on our multitude of questions. Thank you so much Christine!!!!


I signed up for Chris’ 8 week challenge, and cannot overstate the positive impact it has had on my fitness level, my energy level, my mood and overall sense of well-being. I have always enjoyed being active outdoors, hiking and biking. Two years ago, we added RVing to our travel experiences

I have historically been a yo yo dieter, and struggled with pre diabetes. I had signed up for the challenge at a point where I, yet again, knew something had to change if I wanted to have a long healthy and active life. I am 57 and want to be fun and fit as I age.

Chris is supportive, kind and encouraging, and emphasizes progess over perfection, which was incredibly motivating for me. I was able to stick with it, learn important skills, lose weight and gain confidence. It’s a step wise, well thought out program that builds on itself week by week.

The workouts are portable whether I’m at home, in at a vacation destination, or on the road in the RV. I can maintain and build on my progress wherever I am. And messaging Chris with questions is easy, and accessible. She is an amazing source of support!

I have gained so much from the experience of working with Chris that I signed up for 6 months of one on one training with her and I’m excited to see where it will take me!


Group Challenge Disclaimer

You are volunteering to participate in physical exercise without any supervision, which may include but may not be limited to weight and/or resistance training. I do here and forever release and discharge and hereby hold harmless Irene Iron Fitness, LLC (DBA Healthy RV Living), Christine Willers, all employees, contractors, and affiliates, and their employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising from participation in the Forever Strong Exercise Library or any exercise/ movement evaluation/program including any injuries.


With this or any exercise program, you should ALWAYS get clearance from your doctor or healthcare provider prior to engaging in physical activity.

The post 10-Week Group Challenge: September 2024 appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

Top 10 Healthy Habits to Practice Everyday Tue, 15 Nov 2022 19:05:12 +0000 There are several healthy habits that you can (and should) implement immediately to feel your best. Creating a daily routine can be difficult. But when you find your groove, nothing will feel better!

The post Top 10 Healthy Habits to Practice Everyday appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

There are several healthy habits that you can (and should) implement immediately to feel your best. Creating a daily routine can be difficult. It can be downright frustrating for many of us. But when you find your groove, nothing will feel better!

The importance of healthy habits

Did you know that over a third of your activities are actually not determined by you? It’s a habit. Your life today is the sum of your current habits.

Habits are the small decisions that you make every day and the actions that you take from them. We have outlined ten basic healthy habits that will help you live a healthier lifestyle. From improving healthy eating to physical health, these healthy habits stack up.

Living an RV lifestyle can certainly throw a wrench in your routine. Constant relocation and inconsistent daily schedules will keep you on your toes, that’s for sure. On top of that, we RVers tend to treat life like one big vacation. And there is nothing wrong with that! We are out here living our best life. The key to living a balanced RV lifestyle is to incorporate daily practices that improve your overall health and keep you on track with your goals.

Tried and true healthy habits

After coaching hundreds of clients across the country, we have some pretty good experience with helping others live their best lives. We have compiled our top list of the most impactful healthy habits. We personally practice these healthy habits ourselves, every single day, while living full-time in an RV.

1. Resistance train at least 3 times per week

At Healthy RV Living, we are all about resistance training. Skeletal muscle is critical for health, quality of life, and longevity. As a nation, we are severely under-muscled. This makes sense considering that as we age, we naturally lose muscle. If you are over the age of 20, you are likely losing muscle mass as you read this, unless you are actively weight training.

Not only does weight training build lean muscle mass, but it also increases bone density, protects against injuries, improves metabolism, aids with fat loss, increases flexibility and balance, improves posture, minimizes depression and anxiety, prevents cognitive decline, and improves confidence. With all of these benefits, why wouldn’t you start resistance training today?

It doesn’t take much to get you on the right track for building lean muscle. All it takes is a minimum of three training sessions per week, at least 30 minutes per session. We recommend using a wide variety of dumbbell weights or a high-quality set of loop-style resistance bands. Dumbbells and loop-style resistance bands are at the top of our list for essential RV fitness gear. Be sure to follow a program that targets all of your muscle groups for total body strength gains.

RV Fitness Equipment
Essential RV fitness equipment

2. Get sunshine and fresh air every day

It can be easy to sit inside your RV all day long. This is especially true if you work from home (your RV). Before you know it, it’s dinner time, the sun is going down, and you want to cozy up on the couch. Staying cooped up all day is a bad habit that you can easily break.

Sunlight shares many of the same benefits of exercise. Both exercise and sunlight improve sleep, reduce stress, maintain strong bones, help keep weight gain away, fight depression, and can help you live a longer life.

Additionally, sunlight gives you that needed boost of vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical for your immune system. You can strengthen your immune system with consistent exposure to sunlight. Illness, infections, and some cancers will be less prone to take you down with consistent exposure to sunshine.

Fresh air is energizing and sharpens your mind. It cleans your lungs, helps your digestive system, can lower blood pressure, and strengthens your immune system.

Make sure you are properly prepared to spend time outside all year round. Invest in having a good rain jacket, umbrella, and plenty of cold-weather gear.

So how much time per day is needed to soak up these physical and emotional health benefits? You can reap the rewards with 5 to 30 minutes per day. If you’re ever feeling that afternoon slump, head outside for a dose of good health.

Healthy and fit couple standing at Crater Lake
Soak up sunshine and fresh air

3. Aim to get 7,500 steps a day

Walking is highly underrated. We love it because it is low impact, highly accessible, and gets the body moving. The more steps you take, the more likely you are to get regular movement throughout the day. Humans are not meant to be sedentary. You may have even heard the saying, “Sitting is the new smoking”, and unfortunately it rings true. Excessive sitting has been linked to an increase in back pain, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and diabetes.

The average adult reportedly gets anywhere from 2,000-6,000 steps per day. Suppose you are nowhere near 7,500, target 1,000-2,000 above your current average and start there. Then, after a couple of weeks, ramp it up again. Continue to monitor and set goals for yourself. Of course, if you already are at or above 7,500, continue to do what you are doing, and don’t achieve less.

Getting steps in does take time though. If creating the time needed to get steps in is a problem, you may then want to look at other higher-intensity forms of exercise to get more bang for your buck (being the clock). And if you are really wanting to increase your metabolism or use walking for weight management, you may need to work up to 10,000-15,000 per day.

Morning Sunrise
Start your mornings with a sunrise walk

4. Target 7-9 hours of sleep per night

Sleep deprivation is nothing to joke about. Poor sleep is directly linked to weight gain, weakened immunity, memory issues, mood changes, trouble concentrating, high blood pressure, risk of heart disease, low sex drive, and poor balance.

Consistently getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night can negatively affect your physical and mental health. You’ll feel groggy, tired, and just off.

There are several things that you can do to improve your sleep routine. For starters, try to stay as consistent as possible with your sleep schedule. Minimize electronics before bed. This might mean turning off the TV or shutting down your phone 30 minutes before bed. Try other activities such as reading a book, taking a shower, journaling, deep breathing, or stretching. Limit or avoid daytime naps, reduce alcohol intake, cut off caffeine after noon, and exercise regularly to help get better sleep.

If you’ve ever spent the night at a Walmart or Cracker Barrel, you’ve probably experienced the harsh security lights peeping into your RV. Take a look at the window coverings in your RV. Are they true blackout curtains? If not, consider upgrading to get full blackout coverage. An easier solution is getting an inexpensive eye mask. The eye masks work great to keep the light out. I personally own several of these and wear them every night!

5. Drink more water

Drinking water not only keeps you properly hydrated, but it provides a slew of other health benefits. It carries nutrients to cells, eliminates waste, protects joints and organs, and maintains body temperature.

Beverages like soft drinks and fruit juice can pack on calories, and refined sugar, as well as other artificial flavors. Ditch the sugary drinks and make water your go-to beverage. At the end of the day, water is the best choice for hydration.

The current recommended guidelines for water consumption are 90-120 ounces per day. We recommend drinking this throughout the day, starting the minute you wake up. “Twenty-four before your feet hit the floor” is a motto we use often. Before you even have your morning coffee, get a jump start on your daily water quota.

We have heard from some adults out there who just can’t stand the taste of water. Or lack thereof…If you find yourself in this category, try a few natural add-ins before reaching for artificial sweeteners or sugar-sweetened beverages. Fresh mint, lemon, lime wedges, and sliced cucumber are all healthy choices to enhance your H20.

Rather than wasting money, space, and energy lugging around single-use plastic bottles of water, invest in a long-term drinking solution. There are many filtration systems that you can use in the RV. Easy and affordable solutions are portable filters like the Brita or the Berkey. There are also more advanced in-line filtration systems, such as Clearsource.

Find a water filtration system that works for your RV

6. Cook the majority of your food at home

Processed foods are the number one contributor to chronic diseases. Cooking at home is by far the most powerful way to control your food choices. This should come as great news to RVers since we always have our kitchen with us! 

Processed food, fast food, and even sit-down restaurants are all culprits here. Sure, fast food may be known to have lesser quality ingredients and more fried food. However, sit-down restaurants are just as damaging. According to Time Magazine, “92% of meals from large-chain and local restaurants have more calories than is recommended for the average person”. Restaurant foods are often loaded with excess calories from trans fats and sugars. 

Take control of your ingredients and portions by cooking at home. Food prep does take some extra time on the front end. But with continued practice, it will lead to a healthier life. There are various prepping approaches you can take. One of the most popular methods is the “Sunday ritual”. This involves taking a few hours on Sunday (or any day) and prepping for the entire week. Cook big batches of whole grains, starches, quality protein, and prepped fruits and vegetables. 

Challenge yourself to reach for your home-cooked lunch rather than fast food on your lunch break. Recreate that frozen meal from scratch and connect with the fresh ingredients. And rather than trying to cut out all restaurant food cold turkey, try to gradually decrease your average number of meals out per week. Make this a fun experience and enjoy your time in the kitchen!

RV kitchen

7. Prioritize quality protein

Since we have gotten onto the subject of healthy foods, let’s talk about what you’re eating. Protein is highly under-eaten by many adults. And it plays a critical role in your healthy diet, as well as healthy aging.

Protein helps build and maintain skeletal muscle. Remember when we talked about lifting weights to help stay healthy and minimize risk factors? Here we go again with protein. There are two ways to help build and maintain muscle: 1) weight lifting and 2) dietary protein. Why not tackle both?

Protein is also important if you are trying to lose fat and get down to a healthy weight. It is hard work to be in a caloric deficit. Prioritizing protein will help keep you feeling full and satisfied. It will also protect your muscles and steer your body toward burning fat instead of muscle.

So what do we mean by “quality” protein? We are not talking about processed meats (cold cuts, hot dogs, protein bars, or “Beyond Burgers”). We are talking about fresh meats, fish, and eggs that have not been processed. These quality sources offer essential amino acids that are needed to promote muscle protein synthesis.

We like to keep our RV freezer stocked with quality proteins. We purchase our proteins online in bulk from a grass-fed and ethical source. Another cost-saving option to consider is purchasing in bulk from Costco or Sam’s Club. When we bring it home, break it all up and portion it into one-pound servings in Ziploc bags. Having pre-portioned servings in the freezer makes mealtime a breeze. You have less prep, less trash, and a properly portioned quantity to create meals with. Does your RV freezer need an overhaul?

RV freezer stocked with quality protein

8. Pump up the vegetables

Vegetables should make up half of your plate at every meal. Including breakfast! Yes, we said it! Fruits and vegetables are so nutritious and are the answer to helping prevent chronic diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 1 out of 10 adults get enough fruits or vegetables. This statistic is measured using a modest recommendation of 1 1/2-5 cups per day. We definitely don’t want you to fall into that statistic. So much that we will get a little crazy and up the recommendation, even more, to target 5-10+ cups per day.

First, pay attention to two different types of vegetables: fibrous vs. starchy. While both come loaded with vitamins and nutrients, some key differences exist. Fibrous veggies are packed with, you guessed it, fiber. They are also lower in calories. Some examples of fibrous vegetables are broccoli, leafy greens, green beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus, and tomatoes. Fiber is an excellent way to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, help you feel fuller for longer, and aid with digestion.

Starchy vegetables are the familiar potatoes, corn, legumes, and beets. They have a higher starch and carbohydrate content and higher calories. A majority of your daily carbohydrates should come in the form of vegetables and fruits, rather than refined grains (crackers, bread, etc).

One of our favorite things to do as we travel the country is to visit local farmers’ markets. This is a great way to explore local areas and support local farmers. Spend a couple of hours out and about, being a tourist. Then bring home a haul of fresh ingredients, and create some magic in your RV kitchen!

Prepped vegetables in an RV kitchen

9. Minimize ultra-processed foods

When it comes to healthy eating, ultra-processed foods are about as unhealthy foods as you can get. When you walk around a standard modern-day grocery store, over 75% of the “food” offerings are processed foods. From processed meats and meat alternatives to chips, crackers, cookies, breakfast cereals, condiments, frozen meals, meal-replacement bars, and more, it can be overwhelming.

Processed foods are mechanically engineered to taste amazing. The companies design these foods to leave you wanting more. As a result, you overeat, and afterward, you’re nutritionally unsatisfied. What a recipe for disaster!

Pay attention to what is on the labels of these foods. An insane amount of money is spent on marketing. They use terms on the packaging that make you “think” these foods are healthy when they are just processed junk food. Terms like: plant-based, heart-healthy, whole grain, vegan, keto, organic, gluten-free, fat-free, low calorie, the list goes on and on.

Next time you go grocery shopping, schedule some extra time to read labels. First, check the ingredients list. Ideally, the ingredients will be about five items or less. More importantly, you will be able to identify and recognize every item in that ingredient list. Second, get comfortable reading the nutrition info. Serving size, calories, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, sugar, and protein content are all important numbers to pay attention to.

Whole foods meal cooked in RV kitchen
A meal cooked from scratch in an RV

10. Stay focused and consistent

People struggle with the “on and off” mentality when it comes to fitness and nutrition. I think this is a result of decades of fad diets, and the desire to get the most results with as minimal effort as possible. The fad diets and trends will promise fast results, and oftentimes times they come with drastic measures.

These fad diets and other highly marketed nutrition plans are often very restrictive. For example, cutting out entire food groups such as animal products, fruits, carbohydrates, and even vegetables is pretty typical in fad diets such as vegan, keto, and low-carb diets. 

Meanwhile, many fancy (and expensive!) commercial nutrition plans are extremely low-calorie and require you to purchase their packaged food to stay on plan. If you are ever being pressured to purchase food in a package as a solution to good health, I encourage you to run! 

The truth is, that healthy lifestyle habits take time and consistency. Don’t be discouraged when you don’t have a physical transformation in a short time. Be realistic with yourself on what your lifestyle is, day in and day out. I challenge you to practice these healthy habits for six months with 100% commitment. Stay focused and consistent. This is a sustainable approach to a true lifestyle change. 

Time to collect significant health benefits

Hopefully, we have inspired you to incorporate these healthy habits today. Maybe you’re already doing a few of them, or better yet even a majority of them. If there are even just a couple more that you can add to your routine, it’s worth the effort.

Sometimes picking just one thing at a time to add in can be a gentle way to progress. If you tack on too much at once you may find yourself overwhelmed. Pick one habit that you feel most confident that you can consistently perform. Master that habit for a couple of weeks. Once that feels like “normal”, then add in another.

Breaking your goals up into small, achievable steps is extremely effective. Taking slow continuous steps will get you to your end goal much quicker than taking big jumps, then jumping backward. Cheers to healthy habits!

If you are interested in getting more help and accountability on an individual level, check out our online coaching options.

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Healthy Tips for Travel Day Tue, 23 Aug 2022 17:09:03 +0000 Healthy tips for travel days are a hot question we get asked by fellow RVers. While heavy travel weeks make RVing exciting, they are also very challenging. From fitness to nutrition to mindset, everything can get thrown out of whack. Here are my top 8 tips for staying on track on travel days.

The post Healthy Tips for Travel Day appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

Healthy tips for travel days are a hot question we get asked by fellow RVers. While heavy travel weeks make RVing exciting, they are also very challenging. From fitness to nutrition to mindset, everything can get thrown out of whack. Here are my top 8 tips for staying on track on travel days.

1) Adjust your workout schedule as needed for the week

Whether you resistance train 2 times a week or 5 times a week, it is recommended that you have set days that you do it on. The same goes for your cardio goals. The more consistent routine you have week after week, the more adherent you will likely be to your program. During travel weeks, you may need to be a bit flexible, and move items around. This means you need to plan ahead for the week before you even get to the travel day.

If you have long travel days, it may work best to make travel days your rest days and get your training in on the other days. We recommend keeping resistance training a priority above cardio. And, if you must do a workout on a travel day, squeeze it in before travel rather than after. Not only will you have more energy for a more effective session, but the chances of you skipping it after travel may run high.

2) Get a good night’s sleep the night before 

Go to bed early the night before travel. Ever notice that when you are sleep-deprived you get extra munchy and feel hungover even if you don’t drink? Being sleep-deprived throws your gremlin and leptin out of whack and makes you really snacky. Sleep is extremely important in general, not just on travel days. But emphasizing it here on travel day will help to set yourself up for success.  And speaking of feeling hungover, don’t drink any alcohol the night before travel. Even one or two drinks can disrupt your sleep and your food choices.

3) Make time for a morning walk

The time and distance will depend on your timeline for your travel day. If you have time for your normal walk time, whatever that may be, do it. If you don’t, squeeze in what you can. Get your blood moving and get some fresh air, even if it’s only 5 minutes long. If you happen to be in a location where you don’t feel safe walking in the dark before dawn, such as a Walmart parking lot, do 5 minutes of air squats in your RV instead.

4) Have your meals scheduled 

This is also a critical habit for every single day but is emphasized for a travel day. Scheduling your meals keeps you on track, keeps you from snacking, and prevents you from making poor decisions if you wait too long and get hangry. A meal schedule will vary greatly from person to person. Some people eat two meals a day and others may eat five times a day. I generally find four meals a day to be a great number to keep you satisfied without any snacks. A good example of four meals scheduled out looks like 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, & 7 pm.

5) Don’t skimp on drinking water

Don’t skip water just to save bathroom stops. Not worth it. Plus the stops are great to get up and move and get some fresh air. Take advantage of rest stops for easy in and outs off the freeway. They are also great if you happen to be RVing with dogs. Pay attention to the rest area signs as many will tell you how many miles between the current stop and your next opportunity. Try to target 60-120 ounces of water per day.

6) Have prepped food planned out for your meals en route

Let’s use the example times schedule of 4 meals a day from above being 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, and 7 pm. I would try to have meal #1 and meal #4 cooked in the RV before and after travel. This would leave meal #2 and meal #3 for during travel and consumed en route while driving. En route meals will ideally be fast, and no cook. I like to have prepped containers that are made ahead of time. Keep it simple. A Tupperware with some grilled chicken, quinoa, and snow peas works just great reheated in the microwave. Another easy no-cook option is a protein shake and some rice cakes, or a protein shake and a piece of fruit. Or swap out the protein for some canned salmon. Keep it protein-centric. Don’t waste a fun meal on fast food or gas station food. Not worth it. Take advantage of having your kitchen on wheels! It really is an advantage! This brings us to our next tip…

7) Have your splurge meals planned in advance 

Splurge meal, cheat meal, fun meal, whatever you wanna call it. Plan it out and have it controlled, and in moderation. When you have it on your schedule, it keeps you on track during the week(s) leading up to it. We typically eat out 2 days per month. In regular situations, sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less. One meal out per week is a good goal to shoot for. Or just look at how many meals you currently eat outside of your home and slash it down. Having these events scheduled out gives you something to look forward to, and a reason to stay on track today.

8) Check your mindset 

If you find yourself stressed or being negative about your situation, remind yourself of everything you do have to be grateful for. Be thankful for the ability to travel, for your health, and for your family/friends. Thankful to have OPTIONS for what to eat. The luxuries of available, healthy food, and a functioning body. Put on some podcasts that motivate you, or music that gives you energy. 

Hopefully, these healthy tips for travel day give you some ideas for areas that you can improve. While everybody’s goals are different, so are everybody’s travel styles. Find what relates to you and see what healthy changes and habits you can implement on your next travel day!

The post Healthy Tips for Travel Day appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

RVing with Dogs – is it Good for your Health? Fri, 29 Jul 2022 17:36:40 +0000 RVing with dogs, is there a health benefit? There’s got to be some truth behind the saying “man’s best friend,” and who doesn’t need a good friend these days? But can one of these furry friends actually improve your health? We think so, especially for RVers.  The road can be a lonely place; the scenery is always changing and so are the faces. RVing with dogs allows you to share your big adventure with someone, and let’s face it- it gives you someone to talk to. 

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RVing with dogs, is there a health benefit? There’s got to be some truth behind the saying “man’s best friend,” and who doesn’t need a good friend these days? But can one of these furry friends actually improve your health? We think so, especially for RVers.  The road can be a lonely place; the scenery is always changing and so are the faces. RVing with dogs allows you to share your big adventure with someone, and let’s face it- it gives you someone to talk to. 

Health Benefits of RVing with Dogs

Do dogs improve your health? Yes! There are so many benefits of having a dog at home. It is scientifically proven that overall, dogs help lower stress levels, ease depression, and even lower blood pressure. 

In addition to the physical health benefits of dog ownership, there are some mental health benefits of having a dog too. Interacting with our canine companions produces cortisol which is a feel-good, stress-relieving chemical our body releases, which creates a mood boost.  Today’s good mood, courtesy of your dog. 

Beyond just being in a better mood, there are some true psychological benefits of having a dog.  Sometimes if we’re alone or feeling isolated while struggling with our own mental health, it can be helpful to step outside of ourselves and our own challenges.  Having a pet to care for, from feeding and grooming them, to exercising and playing with them, can provide purpose and take your attention off yourself.  Maybe you’ll even meet a new friend when you’re out walking the dog! 

Fitness Benefits of RVing with Dogs

Dogs get you out walking, there’s no doubt about that.  Most dogs don’t care if it’s raining or snowing, they’ll still get you off the couch and out for a stroll.  And that’s a good thing!  There are many health benefits of walking your dog. 

A more active lifestyle 

It’s not yet proven that pets cause lower cholesterol levels in humans, but people with pets do tend to have better cholesterol levels, which likely can be attributed to pet owners having a generally more active lifestyle than those without.

Regular exercise

Fitness while traveling can be tough. You might miss the gym one day, but your dog won’t let you take a day off.  There are definite health benefits of walking your dog every day.  It’s the frequency and reliability of the habit that adds up to some major exercise minutes. 

Stronger bones

Of the many walking health benefits, stronger bones are one.  Walking is considered a weight-bearing exercise and therefore helps build and maintain strong bones.


Walking also improves balance and coordination which can help prevent falls. 

Fresh air and sunshine

Fido probably wants to go out first thing every morning.  Rather than grumble about him waking you up, be grateful that he’s helping get your day started on the right foot.  The benefits of walking your dog in the morning are two-fold:  you don’t sleep in or push snooze, and you start your day with fresh air and movement which creates momentum to keep you moving more all day long. 

So what do you think-  is RVing with dogs good for your health? 

If they’re well-trained and well-behaved, we think the answer is yes.  If your dog is not well-behaved or not friendly, it may not be the best RV dog. Of course, there are times when having a dog can be stressful if they are sick or injured.  And it may take some extra logistical coordination, especially in RV life.  But if your dog is well-behaved enough to enjoy your many adventures with you, having them along for the ride is certainly a net-positive to your health. 

The post RVing with Dogs – is it Good for your Health? appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

Fitness While Traveling – The RV 15 Thu, 24 Mar 2022 15:22:41 +0000 Hooray! You’re hitting the road in your RV; it’s an exciting time.  Whether you’re heading out for a week, a month, or a year, all that comes with RVing can be time consuming, stressful, and challenging.  As a result, your health and fitness may fall to the bottom of your priority list.

The post Fitness While Traveling – The RV 15 appeared first on Healthy RV Living.

Hooray! You’re hitting the road in your RV; it’s an exciting time. Fitness while traveling may be the last thing on your mind. Whether you’re heading out for a week, a month, or a year, all that comes with RVing can be time-consuming, stressful, and challenging.  As a result, your fitness while traveling may fall to the bottom of your priority list. Some full-time RVers groan about gaining the dreaded “RV 15” during their first year or two on the road. If you haven’t lived on the road before, it might be hard to know how to stay fit while traveling. It takes practice, it takes a plan. So whether you’re wondering how to stay fit on a road trip, or how to stay fit while traveling for work, we hope these tips learned from a healthy RV life on the road will help you stay fit and travel more. 

Staying Active While Boondocking

RV Boondocking usually means wide open spaces and easy access to the great outdoors. If you’re going boondocking in your RV, build yourself a menu of fitness on the go to choose from for your cardio: walking, jogging, hiking, biking, etc. Then, use your at-home workouts to fill in the gaps for strength training while traveling: plyometrics, resistance training, yoga, pilates, etc.

Staying Active at RV Resorts

Staying at an RV resort typically means more amenities. You might have a fitness center on-site, there may be a swimming pool for lap swim or water aerobics, and there may even be yoga or pilates classes offered!  The diversity of options may make it easier to stay on track with your fitness on the road.  For example, pickleball is good exercise AND tons of fun (and it’s a big craze in RV parks these days). From the comfort of the RV park, you might be able to log some miles for walking and jogging without ever crossing the street or waiting for a stoplight. And if your RV Park is nearby to a town, you might also find access to gyms.  Many RVers have a national gym membership that they can use at multiple locations across the country.  You may also enjoy a more local boutique gym for spin classes, barre, and more.  There is typically more diversity of options to stay active at RV resorts.

Exercise Equipment For RVing

Whether you’re at an RV park or out boondocking, having the right RV fitness equipment on board can make exercising while RVing a lot easier.

Support your RV workout routine with this must-have list of travel workout equipment:

Most of these items are small and will be well worth the space they take up in your RV. The rain jacket is so that you can’t use wind or rain as an excuse not to get outside and get moving. Check out our list of Essential RV Workout Equipment here!

What To Watch Out For

Even with all the right tools, there are some challenges to watch out for.  Weather is a big one.  If your RV isn’t big enough to exercise inside, wind, rain, heat, cold, humidity, dust, dirt, bugs, you name it- could deter you from sticking to your at-home workout routine. Be prepared with some RV travel workouts that don’t require much space or equipment, so you can squeeze in a workout even if you’re faced with uneven terrain or cows outside your rig. Finally, your schedule may not be as predictable as when living or working from a house.  On travel days, choose a time in advance that you’re going to fit in a workout (ideally before you depart as travel days can be unpredictable). A less consistent schedule could make it hard to form a routine, so try stacking healthy habits on top of things you can predict will always happen. For example, every time you arrive at a new campsite, walk the perimeter and get to know your neighborhood on foot. Or every time you walk by your RV pull-up bar, do at least 2 pull-ups.

Tips for fitness while traveling

So you’ve got the RV workout equipment, and you know what challenges you might face, now it’s time to make a plan.

Here are some tips for success with your fitness on the road plan:

  • Schedule your fitness into your calendar
  • Set aside time every day for movement
  • Plan ahead for adjusting your schedule for long travel days
  • Hire an online coach for guidance and accountability
  • Join an online fitness program for structure and pre-planned workouts
  • Find an accountability buddy with similar goals
  • Sign up for a goal worth training for, ie: 5k, 10k, century ride, etc.

Armed with your new plan, it’s time to get to work! Follow your plan, discover what you like, and then refine the plan.  Make sure you build a support system with the right people and the right environment.  Hire a coach or get an accountability buddy to surround yourself with people who support your goals.  And make your space, however small, work for you: remove any barriers to working out.  If your jump rope is tucked away at the back of an overstuffed closet, hang it on a hook by the door so you can easily grab it at any time.  You CAN keep up with your fitness while traveling, and we hope these tips help.

The post Fitness While Traveling – The RV 15 appeared first on Healthy RV Living.
