Boondocking or RV Parks: The Healthy Choice

by | Dec 30, 2021 | RV Life

RV Fitness

Ready to head off on an adventure with your RV, and weighing the healthy lifestyle benefits between boondocking or RV parks? There are many differences between camping at an RV park or RV boondocking, so let’s explore the differences as they pertain to the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

First, the RV boondocking definition is off-grid, dry camping without hookups for water, sewer, or electricity. Usually out in natural surroundings on public lands.  Not having access to unlimited water or sewer is the biggest negative against boondocking for a healthy lifestyle. 

Food & Diet while at an RV Park

There are many good reasons for staying at an RV park when it comes to food and diet.

Staying at RV parks will provide you with unlimited water to use for food prep and washing dishes. This means you can focus on preparing healthy RV meals with no extra stress. Plus you’ll have trash on-site, which is a definite pro for preparing whole foods-based meals with lots of organic matter to dispose of. RV Parks are also often centrally located near city services, allowing you access to shopping for any healthy RV food you need to restock. So, you won’t need a fancy solar setup to power your RV cooking accessories and equipment. Lastly, many RV parks offer propane filling on-site, a pro if you cook with gas, like to grill, etc. 

There are only a few cons to consider, depending on how prone to temptation you are.
With close proximity to city services, comes close proximity to restaurants, happy hours, and other temptations you might find near many RV parks. Plus, if you make friends with your neighbors there are likely to be happy hour invitations many nights a week. 

Food & Diet while Boondocking

Boondocking definitely can’t compete against the unlimited water, electricity, and trash of RV parks. That makes these items the biggest cons against RV Boondocking for a healthy lifestyle.  Cooking and cleaning can be a challenge with limited resources, but many healthy RVers take pride in figuring out the ways to make easy healthy RV meals.  Try searching for ‘healthy RV camping recipes’ if you’re just starting out. This will get you some RV cooking tips before you hone your own RV cooking hacks.

The obvious pro of boondocking for your healthy diet is location.  You’re probably camped out in beautiful nature, miles from any town. Which of course makes driving to a restaurant or bar a lot less tempting. Even if you’re craving something, it’s a pretty big barrier to entry to pack up camp and drive a ways to the nearest town, where your options will likely be quite limited.  

Options for Fitness & Exercise for Boondocking or RV Parks

Whether you choose RV parks or boondocking, having your own RV fitness equipment and a plan for your travel workout is critical to maintaining fitness on the go.

The pros for fitness and exercise while boondocking are easy access to abundant outdoor activities from hiking to biking. Also, you can usually walk for miles right from your campsite.  You can be an extra savvy healthy RVer by carefully selecting your RV boondocking locations to support your fitness on the road. 

The exercise cons for boondocking are primarily about the weather conditions. If you’re planning a beautiful hike and it rains, it’s easy to skip that workout. It’s easy to fall into the goldilocks pattern, it’s too hot, too cold, too windy, and too rainy to complete your RV workout routine.  So if inside space in your RV is possible, a little RV fitness gym is a good way to protect your workout from the elements. Exercising while RVing can also be a challenge when you don’t have unlimited water or power for regular showers.  Many fit RVers swear by body wipes to stay fresh without sacrificing their workout routine.

The amenities at RV Parks can make exercising while RVing a bit easier and maybe even more exciting. Say, you pull into a new RV Park and it has an inviting outdoor pool or a renovated fitness center. That’s likely to peak your interest and you’ll want to go check it out.  Some RV parks even host yoga classes or walking groups. You may find pickleball courts, tennis courts, any number of amenities that support your fitness goals. Plus, there’s plenty of hot water for post-workout showers every day!

While it may appear easier to live a healthy lifestyle while at an RV Park, it is possible to live a healthy lifestyle with either RV camping setup.  Boondocking definitely takes a bit more planning and practice. But, for some, it just may be worth it for the natural surroundings and outdoor access. 

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