RVing with Dogs – is it Good for your Health?

by | Jul 29, 2022 | Fitness

RVing with Dogs

RVing with dogs, is there a health benefit? There’s got to be some truth behind the saying “man’s best friend,” and who doesn’t need a good friend these days? But can one of these furry friends actually improve your health? We think so, especially for RVers.  The road can be a lonely place; the scenery is always changing and so are the faces. RVing with dogs allows you to share your big adventure with someone, and let’s face it- it gives you someone to talk to. 

Health Benefits of RVing with Dogs

Do dogs improve your health? Yes! There are so many benefits of having a dog at home. It is scientifically proven that overall, dogs help lower stress levels, ease depression, and even lower blood pressure. 

In addition to the physical health benefits of dog ownership, there are some mental health benefits of having a dog too. Interacting with our canine companions produces cortisol which is a feel-good, stress-relieving chemical our body releases, which creates a mood boost.  Today’s good mood, courtesy of your dog. 

Beyond just being in a better mood, there are some true psychological benefits of having a dog.  Sometimes if we’re alone or feeling isolated while struggling with our own mental health, it can be helpful to step outside of ourselves and our own challenges.  Having a pet to care for, from feeding and grooming them, to exercising and playing with them, can provide purpose and take your attention off yourself.  Maybe you’ll even meet a new friend when you’re out walking the dog! 

Fitness Benefits of RVing with Dogs

Dogs get you out walking, there’s no doubt about that.  Most dogs don’t care if it’s raining or snowing, they’ll still get you off the couch and out for a stroll.  And that’s a good thing!  There are many health benefits of walking your dog. 

A more active lifestyle 

It’s not yet proven that pets cause lower cholesterol levels in humans, but people with pets do tend to have better cholesterol levels, which likely can be attributed to pet owners having a generally more active lifestyle than those without.

Regular exercise

Fitness while traveling can be tough. You might miss the gym one day, but your dog won’t let you take a day off.  There are definite health benefits of walking your dog every day.  It’s the frequency and reliability of the habit that adds up to some major exercise minutes. 

Stronger bones

Of the many walking health benefits, stronger bones are one.  Walking is considered a weight-bearing exercise and therefore helps build and maintain strong bones.


Walking also improves balance and coordination which can help prevent falls. 

Fresh air and sunshine

Fido probably wants to go out first thing every morning.  Rather than grumble about him waking you up, be grateful that he’s helping get your day started on the right foot.  The benefits of walking your dog in the morning are two-fold:  you don’t sleep in or push snooze, and you start your day with fresh air and movement which creates momentum to keep you moving more all day long. 

So what do you think-  is RVing with dogs good for your health? 

If they’re well-trained and well-behaved, we think the answer is yes.  If your dog is not well-behaved or not friendly, it may not be the best RV dog. Of course, there are times when having a dog can be stressful if they are sick or injured.  And it may take some extra logistical coordination, especially in RV life.  But if your dog is well-behaved enough to enjoy your many adventures with you, having them along for the ride is certainly a net-positive to your health. 

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