Should You Buy a Class A RV?

by | Sep 7, 2022 | RV Life

Class A RV

Here at Healthy RV Living, all things health and fitness factor into most of our decisions.  Today we’re exploring Class A motorhomes and how they may support a healthy RV lifestyle.

Class A RV Size

Motorhomes are generally some of the largest RVs on the market. They usually provide the most available space of any RV, although there are some modern 5th wheels that rival this.  If you can afford one and are comfortable driving one, a Class A RV provides a pretty sweet home on wheels.  

While more space may seem like a benefit at first, it’s also the downside of a large RV.  The bigger your RV is, the fewer spots you can fit in. From National Parks to State Parks and RV Parks to boondocking, the bigger you are the fewer spots there are available.

Indoor RV Workout Capacity 

For those of us looking to maintain our fitness on the road, the indoor space for workouts can be pretty nice in a large Class A motorhome.  First, motorhomes can carry more weight so they’re built sturdier than other styles of RV.  So if you need to jump around you can do so without fear of breaking something.  If you need somewhere to anchor a resistance band, there may be sturdy anchor points both inside and outside the coach. 

Older motorhomes don’t have quite the taller ceiling height that the more modern ones offer. However, in most Class A’s you’ll probably find enough floor space for yoga and stretching. And the large storage bays underneath are perfect for storing all of your RV workout equipment. Not only is there plenty of space in the bays, but there are also reinforced bays that are designed to carry heavy weight. The reinforced bays are perfect if you have some kettlebells or dumbbells you need to store without worry.

Class A Tank Sizes

The average tank size on a Class A motorhome is a 75-100 gallon fresh water tank and a 65-85 gallon grey tank.  Again, because Class As are built on an 18-wheeler chassis, they have a lot of carrying capacity which allows them to have these large tank sizes.   

Tank space for freshwater and greywater is an important consideration for healthy RV living as it relates to cooking.  Not having to worry about water consumption is ideal for cooking your own healthy meals in your RV.  Even just doing dishes from cooking at home can be a burden on some water tanks. Also, if you are working up a sweat with daily workouts it’s great to have the extra capacity to get a quick shower on the regular.

Class A RV Kitchen 

The compliment to large tank sizes in motorhomes is the beautiful fully-stocked kitchens they also come with.  Having a kitchen with enough storage space to pack away your RV cooking accessories and appliances is a huge perk. This is ideal for healthy cooking because you won’t be limited by your equipment.

As an additional plus, motorhome kitchens are typically spacious, with more counter space than you might find in smaller RVs.  This makes the space more inspiring for cooking at home and makes it logistically easier too.  Having a house-like kitchen means you have no excuses for whipping up those healthy RV meals! Larger refrigerators will allow you to hold extra produce and fresh, whole food which is critical for healthy eating.

Class A RV Pros and Cons

So, as with any style of RV, there are pros and cons to buying a Class A motorhome.  The pros as we see them for healthy RV living are the amount of space and the tank sizes. These pros allow you to have the tools you need in the kitchen and in the gym. It also gives you enough space to cook and workout indoors, comfortably. 

The main con for healthy RV living in a motorhome is that you probably won’t be able to park right at the trailhead and take your morning hike somewhere beautiful.  We have seen plenty of motorhomes parked in beautiful places, but if you have your heart set on a specific hike, you may not be able to have your home in the parking lot, that’s all.

Easiest Class A RV to Drive 

Which Class A RV is the easiest to drive?  The obvious answer is- the smallest one.  The shorter the RV, generally the easier it is to maneuver.  But when it comes to motorhomes, there’s one more thing to consider, the Class A RV engine.  

During your travels, you will undoubtedly encounter some steep climbs and mountain passes.  In these circumstances, the engine power of the motorhome matters greatly.  It is much easier (and safer) to drive a motorhome with enough power to carry itself up the hill than to pop on your hazards and climb slowly at 20 mph. 

Are You Ready to Find the Motorhome For You?

If all of this talk about space to carry your favorite kitchen gadgets have you thinking a motorhome is right for you, imagine this: you can cook while you’re going down the road so that dinner is ready when you pull into your new campsite.  It’s true, motorhomes offer true luxury in an RV home.  If you can accept that you won’t be able to park everywhere, a Class A RV might be right for you.

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