Strength Training Mistakes to Avoid

Strength Training Mistakes to Avoid

Strength training mistakes happen, and they could be keeping you from seeing progress. Nobody likes putting in the effort and not noticing results over time. It can be demotivating, and sometimes even dangerous. While some of these strength training mistakes are more...
Resistance Training – the Basics

Resistance Training – the Basics

Whether you’re brand new to resistance training or it’s been a year or two (or ten!) since you last trained, these basic explanations will help you get the motivation to start up. One of the biggest obstacles for people to start lifting weights is the...
Strength Training Benefits You Need to Know

Strength Training Benefits You Need to Know

Strength training is outrageously good for you. We love it so much, that it is our preferred form of exercise, and believe it to be the most beneficial of all of the forms out there. Exercise, specifically resistance training, is without a doubt the very best weapon...
Top 10 Healthy Habits to Practice Everyday

Top 10 Healthy Habits to Practice Everyday

There are several healthy habits that you can (and should) implement immediately to feel your best. Creating a daily routine can be difficult. It can be downright frustrating for many of us. But when you find your groove, nothing will feel better! The importance of...
Walking Tours to Sightsee

Walking Tours to Sightsee

Walking tours are our top recommendation for getting out and exploring a new city.  We always schedule our tours for one of the first couple of days upon arriving somewhere new.  This way, you get the lay of the land right from the start and learn any local...
Biking in the Smoky Mountains

Biking in the Smoky Mountains

Biking is a great option for sightseeing and transportation in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You will also sneak in some exercise at the same time. It is especially great on Wednesdays during the summer (May 4- Sept 28) when the road is closed to vehicular...